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A gift of appreciated stock is an easy way to support the music you love. By donating stock, you can take advantage of tax incentives. Contact your financial advisor for current tax benefits. Stock transfer instructions are below.

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Transfer Stock from Brokerage Account

Sent To:
Morgan Stanley
DTC #: 0015
Account Name: Colorado Symphony Association
Account #: 919-020612

Molly Strenk is our account representative. She can be reached at (303) 572-4891 or

It is helpful if your broker communicates your (or the donor’s) name to Molly Strenk, as well as the name and number of stock shares being transferred, so she will be aware of the transfer and we can provide appropriate acknowledgement of the donation.

Transfer a Stock Certificate

To transfer a stock certificate, please send the stock certificated (unsigned) to the address below, as well as an executed stock power with a letter of instruction. For security purposes, please send these documents separately.

Molly Strenk, CFP | PWM Chief of Staff
Morgan Stanley Private Wealth Management
The 1550 Group
1550 Market St. | Ste 600 | Denver, CO 80202
(303) 572-4891


Please visit the Colorado Symphony Association’s page on Endaoment. From there you can donate cryptocurrency and other digital assets.

Stock Transfer Instructions

Organization Info:

Colorado Symphony Association
Boettcher Concert Hall
1245 Champa St. | Denver CO 80204
(303) 623-7876
EIN#: 84-0511458